All 44 community libraries in the King County Library System offer free learning resources and programs for parents, starting with age-appropriate story times for parents with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Bring your baby to a library Story Time and play along with the skilled children’s librarian who will show you how to engage your infant, and have fun with skill-building rhymes, finger plays, puppets, and books for even the youngest learners. You’ll also discover what learning milestones you’ll see as your
baby’s skills develop.
Take-home resources include age-specific “Books to Grow On” theme kits for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Each kit contains an assortment of books, music, puppets, and toys on specific themes, along with a detailed parent guide filled with songs, rhymes, and games specially designed to help your baby learn about each subject.
Ask the children’s librarian at your community library for ideas and suggestions on programs, events and resources that will answer your parenting questions and help you enhance your baby’s ability to learn.
Throughout your parenting years, the library can help you gain the skills, confidence and understanding to be the best parent you can be.