Kentlake band, orchestra and choir on the road to British Columbia | Slide Show

The Kentlake band, orchestra and choir traveled to British Columbia for a weekend of musical activities May 22 and 23. Saturday, May 22, the choir and orchestra performed at the park in downtown Victoria and the jazz band performed during late afternoon on the Quey in front of a large crowd.

The Kentlake band, orchestra and choir traveled to British Columbia for a weekend of musical activities May 22 and 23.

Saturday, May 22, the choir and orchestra performed at the park in downtown Victoria and the jazz band performed during late afternoon on the Quey in front of a large crowd.

All the groups joined together and dressed up in a jungle theme and traveled to Nanaimo and marched in the parade Sunday, and the group was awarded best high school marching band.

The group returned to Victoria Monday and marched in the Victoria Days parade and took second place.

Each year the band has been traveling up to Victoria and marched in the parade picking out a different theme each year and playing songs that fit the theme. Last year was prisoners with the themes of jail house rock and jail break, and the year before it was the Mario brothers and the year before that it was the Blues Brothers. This year was the jungle theme with kids dressed as gorillas, tigers and a Tarzan with a tree. The group performed “George of the Jungle” and other jungle boogie songs.

The band director Chuck Stowell and the orchestra director Dave Harris have been taking groups up to the event for more than 20 years. This year was first for the choir.