
I Read Teddy Daniels Latest Survival Guide Hard to Kill: Here’s My Review On Becoming Dangerous in a Dangerous World

Hard to Kill: Becoming Dangerous in a Dangerous World is a self-defense program created by retired US Army infantryman and police officer Teddy Daniels.

Available exclusively online in digital format, Hard to Kill teaches practical tips for defending your home, protecting yourself against carjackers, and defending your family from unexpected events.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Hard to Kill and how it works today in our review.

What is Hard to Kill?

Hard to Kill is a series of eBooks and videos teaching you how to defend yourself, your family, and your home against attackers.

Hard to Kill, priced at a one-time fee of $67, aims to help you become dangerous in a dangerous world.

Some of the tips in Hard to Kill come from Teddy’s career in law enforcement. Others come from his US Army training. Some come from martial arts experts and weapons training experts:

“Pretty much my entire adult life has been one long lesson in violence…I gained a reputation for being extremely effective at dealing with violent criminals. I was the guy other officers would call for backup when they had trouble controlling an ‘unruly’ suspect.”

In Hard to Kill, you can discover the practical tips, step-by-step videos, and other training materials you need to become Hard to Kill.

All purchases include 10 HD videos featuring hand-to-hand combat training and situational awareness techniques. You also get immediate access to three bonus eBooks to help you protect against carjackings, home invasions, and other threats.

All Hard to Kill purchases come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Hard to Kill: Try it now, you won’t be disappointed!

Hard to Kill Benefits

Some of the benefits of Hard to Kill include:

  • Instant access to HD videos and eBooks
  • Led by retired US Army infantryman and police officer Teddy Daniels
  • Based on decades of real-world hand-to-hand combat training experience
  • Strategies and techniques you can implement today to stay safer
  • Defend against upcoming social, economic, and political uncertainty
  • Backed by a 30-day satisfaction guarantee

What Will You Learn in Hard to Kill?

Hard to Kill features ten training modules led by Teddy Daniels. Teddy demonstrates his techniques on other actors – including those smaller than himself and those armed with dangerous weapons.

Instead of focusing on a specific martial arts discipline, Teddy has combined multiple disciplines into a single, effective, hand-to-hand combat and street fighting system. It’s best to defend yourself in real-world situations – not in dojos and gyms.

In fact, Teddy claims many martial arts techniques aren’t useful in real-world situations:

“…I figured out real quick that most of what is taught in the dojos and gyms is pretty much useless in the real world. So, I took a handful of techniques from all those different disciplines. The ones that really worked. And built them into a brutally effective street fighting system.”

Teddy used to teach these techniques to other police officers. He became a hand-to-hand instructor for others on the force.

Teddy also claims he served as a bodyguard for high-profile VIPs, implementing his hand-to-hand training in the real world to protect some of the nation’s best-known individuals.

After 15 years as a police officer, however, Teddy decided to make a change: in 2011, Teddy joined the US Army as an infantryman, carrying on a proud family tradition. Despite being 35 years old, Teddy wanted to serve his country.

To make a long story short, Teddy has decades of experience in hand-to-hand combat in both law enforcement and military settings. He distilled that knowledge into Hard to Kill.

Learn more on the official website >>>

Crime, Violence, and Civil Unrest Are “About to Explode Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen Before”

Why is Teddy advertising Hard to Kill online today? Why is he so motivated to help others defend themselves?

Teddy believes we’re about to face civil unrest like nothing we’ve ever seen.

Specifically, Teddy believes the United States will face three “chaos waves” simultaneously. Each chaos wave has the potential to cause serious unrest. The combination of three waves, however, could lead to violence unlike America has seen in more than 150 years:

“Each one on its own could trigger a huge surge in crime. But when all three happen simultaneously, you’ve got a recipe for what could be the most violent period in American history since the Civil War.”

That’s why Teddy has made it his mission to help people defend themselves.

How America’s 3 Upcoming “Chaos Waves” Could Lead to Disaster

Teddy believes America is facing three “chaos waves” simultaneously. These chaos waves could set off civil unrest like nothing we’ve ever seen before.

The three chaos waves facing the United States include:

Chaos Wave #1: Inflation

Teddy, citing various economic experts, claims America will face high inflation for “years to come.” He also believes that inflation is much worse than the government is actually reporting.

Even if inflation slows, we’ll still be stuck with inflation for the last few years.

Teddy also cites a connection between inflation and crime:

“When inflation goes up, so does crime. It makes sense – when stuff like food, rent, and gas get too expensive for people to afford, they get desperate.”

As inflation continues, Teddy believes we’ll see rising civil unrest. When people can’t afford groceries, gas, or rent, they do anything to protect their families. That’s why Teddy believes Hard to Kill is so essential.

Protect Your Family Today – Start Hard to Kill

Chaos Wave #2: Illegal Immigrants

Teddy believes America’s immigrants will cause the second chaos wave because of “Biden’s wide-open southern border.”

Teddy cites stories of immigrants murdering American citizens, blaming Joe Biden’s immigration policy for causing these murders:

“Since Biden took office, over 7 million illegals have crossed into our country…We have no idea who they are or where they went after crossing into the US.”

Because of these immigrants, Teddy claims innocent Americans across the country are being victimized, claiming there are “thousands” of stories of Americans being murdered by immigrants:

“…innocent people are being victimized in the most horrific ways you can imagine…there are hundreds if not thousands of similar stories.”

Teddy shares some of the best-known stories – like Laken Riley, Sonia Guzman, and 11-year-old Maria Gonzalez. In Hard to Kill, Teddy describes many techniques to help anyone defend themselves from illegal immigrants – including one tip he recommends women use to get out of a dangerous situation.

Chaos Wave #3: The Collapse of America’s Justice System

The third chaos wave could make America unrecognizable, according to Teddy Daniels. He believes America’s justice system will collapse because of the rise of violent crime.

Teddy cites multiple cases nationwide where courts were soft on criminals. He believes this problem is getting worse. He blames “woke” politics and billionaire George Soros for the collapse of America’s justice system:

“We no longer have a Constitutional justice system. We have a woke, clown-world justice system that does the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to.”

Teddy blames George Soros for “dismantling” the justice system in the United States over the last decade. Soros is using his billions of dollars to support small political campaigns across the United States. Instead of focusing on high-profile presidential campaigns, he’s putting his money towards lower-level politics, where he’s electing judges to meet a left-wing agenda:

He [George Soros] is using his billions to fund political campaigns. But not high-profile elections like the presidential race. Instead, he’s focused on small, local district attorney races. And he always funds the campaigns of the most radical left-wing prosecutors.”

Because of Soros’s funding, radical candidates can beat competing candidates simply by outspending them. Teddy cites some cases where Soros-backed candidates had 20 to 30 times more money to spend on their campaign than competing candidates, giving them a huge advantage.

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You Can’t Rely Entirely on Guns for Self-Defense

Teddy Daniels is a big supporter of guns and the Second Amendment.

Even Teddy, however, admits guns aren’t always the answer. Because of America’s justice system, it’s becoming harder and harder to shoot criminals to protect yourself.

That’s why Teddy recommends learning hand-to-hand combat instead. Hand-to-hand combat can protect yourself in difficult situations without exposing you to liability:

“…as much as I’d like to say, ‘Get your guns and ammo, and you’re good to go,’ it just doesn’t work like that. The justice system is so corrupt that using a gun for self-defense or to stop a violent criminal will pretty much guarantee that you will face criminal charges.”

Because of this drawback, Teddy believes you should learn hand-to-hand combat to protect against the three chaos waves. You can use guns, but you’re exposing yourself to too much legal liability, which is why hand-to-hand combat training can be helpful in many situations.

(Later, in a bonus eBook, Teddy explains precisely when you can use deadly force against an attacker – and when you can’t use deadly force).

What Will You Learn in Hard to Kill?

Whether you have professional combat training or are a total novice, you can implement the lessons in Hard to Kill to protect yourself and your family.

Teddy claims to have spent the last few months of his life distilling his knowledge into a series of videos and eBooks. He claims there’s “never been anything like it.”

Here are some of the topics covered in Hard to Kill:

  • Step-by-step, full, high-definition video tutorials explaining exactly how to perform specific hand-to-hand combat moves to protect yourself – even if you have zero experience or are defending against someone 100 lbs larger than you.
  • How to use a “hard reset strike” to reset an attacker’s brain, giving you time to escape.
  • How do you use momentum against an attacker, using their force against them to flip the switch against someone larger than you?
  • How to break someone’s wrist with your bare hands using a specific technique – even if you have zero experience and limited strength.
  • The “power suck” technique turns a punch into a harmless love trap – and the brutal follow-up move to hospitalize your attack.
  • Teddy learned all the brutally effective, hand-to-hand combat techniques over his 20+ years of military and law enforcement work – including the stuff he taught to cops, soldiers, federal agents, bouncers, and security personnel to protect against real-world situations.
  • Use your legs’ “7x power” to devastate someone in a fight. Your legs are the strongest part of your body, but most people don’t use them correctly in self-defense situations – and that’s a mistake.
  • How to snap someone’s knee “like a toothpick” – even if you’re not flexible and don’t have any wrestling experience.
  • It is a go-to fight-ending move to disable an attacker without skill or experience. Teddy believes women shouldn’t leave the house if they don’t know this move.
  • Real-world tips from Teddy’s 15 years of experience as a police officer and US Army infantryman. Over his career, Teddy has been attacked by everything from guns and knives to – no joke – a 12″ dildo.
  • How do you defend yourself against an attacker who is much bigger than you? To prove these techniques work, Teddy invited a 5’2″, 120-pound female with no fighting experience to his set. He taught her these moves in real-time, and she implemented them to defend against a larger attacker.
  • How to fully protect your family against the upcoming convergence of all three chaos waves, including inflation, illegal immigrants, and the collapsing justice system mentioned above.
  • The single move females can do to defend against larger attackers – including how female victims can defend against choke holds using a special choke escape. This move works even if the attacker is over 100 pounds heavier than you. It doesn’t require a lot of strength, but it causes intense pain.
  • How to use a “push and pull” technique to take someone’s gun.
  • How to use a simple, 3-step “avoid, control, attack” sequence to defend against a baseball bat, golf club, or other type of melee weapon.
  • How can you quickly find and use “weapons of opportunity,” including household objects, that you can repurpose into effective weapons? For example, Teddy teaches you how to hurt someone with a #2 pencil.

Overall, Teddy teaches you some of the best and most proven strategies to use to defend yourself from all types of situations – no matter your experience, background, familiarity with weapons, or size. In fact, some of the techniques can be learned in 10 seconds or fewer. Teddy walks you through all these techniques with the help of smaller and larger volunteers – including some armed with weapons.

Get Hard to Kill now while it’s on sale – limited time only!

What’s Included with Hard to Kill?

Hard to Kill includes a collection of videos, step-by-step guides, eBooks, and other digital materials to help anyone become hard to kill.

You receive immediate access to all of the following products, in digital format, when buying Hard to Kill online today:

Hard to Kill HD Hand-to-Hand Combat Videos

The core of the Hard to Kill program consists of a series of videos led by Teddy Daniels. In these videos, Teddy distills his decades of training as a police officer and US Army infantryman, including practical tips on making yourself hard to kill.

In most of the videos, Teddy is joined by one or more other actors. Some are holding toy guns or other weapons. Teddy shows how to identify an attacker’s weakness, disarm or disable the attacker, and stay safe in any situation—even if you have zero experience and are 100 lbs lighter than your attacker.

You receive immediate access to all ten hand-to-hand combat training videos and can proceed at your own pace. Those training videos include:

  • Intro
  • Chokes
  • Defending Against a Punch
  • Defending Against a Blunt Object
  • Defending Against Edged Weapons
  • Handgun Defense
  • Defending Against a Kick
  • Long Gun Defense
  • Situational Awareness
  • Weapons of Opportunity

Bonus Report #1: Defend Your Castle: Elite Military Secrets to Keep Your Home Safe

This eBook teaches you how to turn your home into an impenetrable fortress. As the three chaos waves converge, you need to learn how to protect yourself and your family from home invaders, looters, and general threats.

Teddy believes America will experience Civil War-level chaos for the first time in 150+ years. If you’re smart, you’ll start preparing today because this unrest is approaching a nearby neighborhood.

Covered topics include:

  • How to make your windows impenetrable.
  • How to use the “3 rings” of home security – and why real-world security operators use this approach to reduce risk in the world’s most violent places.
  • The $10 device that discourages attackers from even looking at your house.
  • Why most home security experts don’t use electronic security systems – and the proven systems they use instead.
  • Why you should put an obscure, 10″ object behind your door to prevent someone from breaking it down.
  • Why you should stick a 4-word sign outside your door to ward off 90% of home invaders (many Hurricane Katrina victims used this tip to protect their property).
  • Many other practical tips you can implement today to protect your home and family.

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

Free Bonus Report #2: Carjacker’s Worst Nightmare: The Next Best Thing to Owning a Tank

Teddy claims carjackings are skyrocketing across the United States. That’s why you should learn to defend yourself against them using simple techniques.

It’s not just about carrying a weapon in your car. Instead, it’s about avoiding dangerous situations, having certain tools in your vehicle, and taking other precautions to reduce risk.

This bonus eBook teaches you how to protect your car like a member of the Secret Service, turning your vehicle into a tank.

Covered topics include:

  • The common “stoplight habit” that makes you a target for carjackers.
  • One simple tweak about stopping at red lights could save your life.
  • Why a minor fender bender should put you on high alert.
  • How to install a physical kill switch in your vehicle to prevent it from being stolen.
  • How do you add an invisible layer of protection to your car’s windows, making them almost impossible to smash?
  • Why are gas stations the most common places to experience carjacking, and how can simple tweaks reduce risk at a gas station?
  • Why you should always carry one specific item in your vehicle—and why this one item is often better than a firearm.
  • You can make dozens of other simple changes to your vehicle and driving habits to reduce your risk of becoming a carjacking victim.

Free Bonus Report #3: Judicial Ninja: How to Defend Yourself and Your Family WITHOUT Going to Jail

In this report, you’ll discover deadly tips used by CIA operatives when they need to kill someone silently and disappear without a trace. Teddy claims real operatives use these techniques when performing covert “wet work” or killings.

To be clear, Teddy is not recommending anyone leave the scene of a crime – say, if you’ve just killed someone. However, Teddy claims it “can’t hurt to know what the experts would do in these situations.”

Some of the tips covered in this eBook include:

  • What to say to a 911 dispatcher to ensure the cops are on your side when they appear at the crime scene.
  • The only four words you should ever say to a cop if you’ve been involved in a self-defense encounter.
  • How to know when you’re “in the clear” to kill an attacker without legal issues – and how to know when you’re not.
  • Avoid sticky situations and be a judicial ninja, avoiding liability while protecting yourself and your family.

Hard to Kill Pricing

Hard to Kill is priced at a one-time fee of $67. For this fee, you get immediate access to the program and all bonus eBooks and videos listed above.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Hard to Kill online today:

  • Hard to Kill Videos + Digital Bonuses: $67

Get Hard to Kill for the best price today!

Because all products are digital, you receive immediate access to the entire Hard to Kill program after confirming your purchase.

As part of a 2024 promotion, all Hard to Kill purchases also come with optional promotional upsell offers, including security products at discount rates:

Frontiersman Bear Spray (+$49.99): Teddy recommends using bear spray as a non-lethal self-defense tool. This pepper spray is the strongest legally available. You get 9.2 oz of it, and it deploys in seconds and sprays up to 35 feet. Teddy claims you can use it to “quickly disable an attacker.”

Solar-Powered Motion-Activated Security Light (+$29.95): Defending your property is becoming more critical as crime rates rise. All Hard to Kill purchasers can buy a discounted home security light. The motion-activated light runs off solar and requires no wiring or battery changes. It floods an area with 212 LEDs of bright, white light, dissuading intruders.

Ballistic Panel Bug Out Bag (+$190.92): Teddy’s Ballistic Panel Bug Out Bag contains everything you need to survive an unexpected situation – and it can stop a bullet. You get 60 essential survival supplies (including 2,400 calorie ration bars, emergency drinking water pouches, a water filtration bottle, a rechargeable headlamp, an emergency tent and sleeping back, waterproof matches and firestarters, and a folding camp stove). Plus, the backpack features a special ballistic panel capable of stopping bullets up to 9mm.

Hard to Kill Refund Policy

Hard to Kill comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with your purchase, you can request a refund within 30 days. Plus, you can keep all the Hard to Kill materials, including the videos and bonus eBooks, as a thank-you for trying the program.

Become Hard to Kill: Join Now for $67!

About 3HiddenForces

Hard to Kill is published online. Teddy Daniels, a former police officer and US Army infantryman, and his team operate the website.

In addition to selling hand-to-hand defense training guides online, Teddy sells survival guides, prepping gear, disaster preparedness eBooks, and more.

You can contact the Hard to Kill customer service team via the following:

  • Phone: 1-888-707-5549
  • Email: support@3hiddenforces.com
  • Mailing Address: 8 The Green, Ste B, Dover, DE 19901

Customer support is available from 8 am to 8 pm EST.

Final Word

Teddy Daniels and his team have launched a new self-defense video series called Hard to Kill: Becoming Dangerous in a Dangerous World.

Priced at $67, Hard to Kill consists of 10 high-definition, step-by-step videos walking you through various self-defense situations – from identifying threats around you to defending yourself against an attacker in the long run.

Hard to Kill comes with three bonus eBooks as part of a 2024 launch promotion.

Visit the official website to learn more about Hard to Kill and how it works or to buy the self-defense system online today.
