
I Personally Tried & Tested ParaClear – Here’s My Intestinal Flora Support Supplement Review

ParaClear is a digestive health supplement marketed primarily to women over 50 with bloating, cramping and other digestive issues.

By taking ParaClear daily, you can purportedly “clear” away “parasites” from your blood, targeting the root cause of digestive problems.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about ParaClear and how it works today in our review.

What is ParaClear?

ParaClear is a nutritional supplement featuring a blend of digestive enzymes and other nutrients to “heal your paralyzed gut.”

Developed by a gastrointestinal health expert, ParaClear is a once-daily regimen that claims to “end constipation & restore smooth pooping in as little as 4 hours.”

The makers of ParaClear primarily market the supplement to women with digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and general digestive discomfort. Women over 50 may have a particularly high risk of these issues.

ParaClear is exclusively sold through TryParaClear.com. As part of a 2024 promotion, It is available at $69 per bottle or less—a steep discount from the usual price of $129 per bottle.

ParaClear Benefits

Some of the benefits of ParaClear, according to the manufacturer, include:

  • Resolve the root cause of gas, bloating, and cramping
  • Clear away toxic parasites in your gut
  • Enjoy more regular bowel movements in as little as four hours
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Lose weight, promote skin health, and boost energy
  • Backed by a 180-day moneyback guarantee

How Does ParaClear Work?

There are plenty of digestive health supplements available today. Why try ParaClear? What makes ParaClear different from probiotics, digestive enzymes, and other solutions?

ParaClear targets the root cause of digestive health problems: tiny parasites in your gut.

As the name suggests, ParaClear aims to “clear” away “parasites” in your gut. Bloating and other digestive issues could be caused by “tiny parasites that have hijacked the digestive nerves in your gut,” according to the makers of ParaClear.

When ignored over time, these tiny parasites contribute to all sorts of digestive problems, including constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and more.

By taking ParaClear daily, you can use a blend of 100% natural ingredients to clear away parasites, solve digestive nerve issues, and ensure your gut is working as it’s supposed to.

What is Gut Paralysis?

ParaClear is designed to combat a condition called “gut paralysis.”

Here’s how gut paralysis works and why it’s so essential for gut health:

Gut paralysis is a condition where toxic bacteria around your gut are causing your nerves to enter a “paralyzed” state. The nerve endings lining the walls of your small intestine no longer work properly.

When your gut is healthy, your nerve endings push waste out of your body, carrying it through your intestines and along your digestive tract until it leaves your body.

For various reasons, however, toxic “intestinal parasites” can affect the nervous system along your gut.

People with bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and other digestive health issues can trace their problems to these toxic bacteria. While doctors blame lack of fiber, poor microbiota balance, and other commonly blamed conditions, the makers of ParaClear blame toxic parasites in your gut that science saysParasites can live in the intestines for years without causing symptoms.”

Taking ParaClear daily can purportedly resolve gut paralysis using a blend of natural ingredients. These ingredients clear the toxic parasites of your gut, helping to resolve the root cause of your digestive health problems.

Click here to get all the details about ParaClear >>>

Who Created ParaClear? About Meredith Johnson

ParaClear was created by Meredith Johnson, a gastrointestinal researcher from Rochester, Minnesota. Meredith worked with a chemist to refine the ParaClear formula.

Although Meredith claims to be a researcher, she also appears to have direct patient care and treatment experience: In promotional images shared online, she wears a white lab coat and stethoscope and is seen meeting with patients in her office.

Meredith started researching natural ways to relieve constipation and gut paralysis. Her search led her to discover toxic gut parasites and the natural ingredients that can cleanse them from the body.

After spending her life researching women’s gut health, Meredith concluded that many doctors ignore female digestive health issues. They dismiss it as menopause or tell them to drink more water or get more fiber. Meredith sympathizes with these women: she knows what they’re going through.

How the Enteric Nervous System Works

Have you heard of the gut-brain connection? The gut-brain connection exists because of the enteric nervous system.

When waste enters your intestines, your enteric nervous system signals to your brain. Your brain tells your body to push waste out, leading to normal digestion.

When you have toxic parasites in your gut, your brain never gets this message. You never get the urge to go. Your enteric nervous system is trying to send messages to your brain, but messages get lost. That’s gut paralysis.

ParaClear vs. Other Solutions: Why the Usual Gut Health Remedies Don’t Work

Many doctors recommend increasing fiber intake or drinking more water to solve digestive health problems. Others recommend over-the-counter or prescription medication.

Here are some of the reasons the usual gut health remedies don’t work, according to Meredith and the team at ParaClear:

ParaClear vs. Fiber: Many doctors recommend fiber to help with constipation and gut health issues. However, 95% of American adults don’t get their daily recommended fiber intake. Meredith claims, “These solutions make your constipation worse” if you have a paralyzed gut. Fiber causes pressure to build up in your intestines, adding bulk to your stool.

ParaClear vs. Changing your Diet: Some recommend a low FODMAP diet. Others recommend eliminating dairy products. Changing your diet could help in a small way. However, they don’t target the root cause of your gut health problems: intestinal parasites. ParaClear works differently, allowing you to continue eating the foods you love.

ParaClear vs. Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Green Powders, & Other Supplements: Supplements “don’t do anything to reset your enteric nervous system,” according to Meredith and the ParaClear team. You’ll still experience digestive health problems. Worse, these supplements could lead to dehydration and dangerous side effects.

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How Gut Parasites Impact Digestive Health

Some doctors conduct parasite tests to diagnose gut health issues. However, even if the parasite tests come back negative, various gut parasites could still impact your gut.

Meredith, citing her years of experience in the field, blames parasites like the following for gut health issues – particularly in women over 50:

  • Blastocystis
  • Giardia
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Nippostrongylus
  • Trichinella
  • Schistosoma and dozens of other parasite species

Meredith’s research found parasites could live in your gut for years or even decades without being detected. Unless you take a parasite test at the perfectly right time, you may never detect parasites on a test.

Making things worse, parasites cover themselves in biofilm to avoid detection. Meredith describes biofilm as like a “force field.” They evade detection by your immune system, allowing them to stay in your gut for months or years.

How Parasites Infect Your Gut

You may eat right and live a healthy lifestyle – so how did parasites infect your gut? Where do parasites come from?

According to Meredith, many people develop parasitic infections through four exposure sources:

Exposure Source #1: Through the food supply. Parasites are in fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, and packaged foods. Meredith claims, “Cases like these have skyrocketed in the last three to four years.”

Exposure Source #2: Through swimming. Some parasites, including cryptosporidium, are resistant to chlorine and are common in swimming pools. These parasites and their eggs could end up in your digestive system – just by swimming in a public pool.

Exposure Source #3: Through children and pets. Meredith describes children as “parasite superspreaders.” Cats and dogs, meanwhile, frequently get parasitic infections – and those parasites can pass to you.

Exposure Source #4: Contact with surfaces. Parasites are also all around us. They’re on counters, railings, and doorknobs. They’re on floors when you walk barefoot. Even if you’re careful and wash your hands, you could encounter parasites all day, and those parasites could end up in your gut.

Parasites Cause More than Diarrhea

Many people associate parasite infections with diarrhea. You could have a parasitic infection even if you don’t have diarrhea.

Parasites can lead to diarrhea. However, they can also lead to constipation and other digestive issues.

Many parasites slow digestion, for example, to extract maximum nutritional value from your food. They prevent poop from leaving your body, causing it to ferment in your gut and act as a parasite food source.

ParaClear is designed to solve more than just diarrhea: it’s also designed to help with constipation, cramping, digestive regularity, and other digestive health problems – all traced to parasitic infections.

Buy ParaClear Before it’s SOLD OUT >>>

ParaClear Ingredients

ParaClear consists of six 100% natural, GMO-free ingredients built to promote digestive health in multiple ways.

Using her experience as a gastrointestinal researcher, Meredith spent months creating the formula. She wanted a formula that could quickly and lethally target parasites, get through biofilm, and help the gut repair itself. She also worked with a chemist to develop the formula.

Here are all of the ingredients in ParaClear and how they work:

Papain: Described as a “biofilm buster,” papain is a natural enzyme found in papaya fruit. Many people take papain supplements daily for digestive health. According to Meredith, Papain reduces biofilm thickness, making it easier to target and remove parasites in your gut.

Bromelain: Another fruit-derived enzyme, bromelain can “melt biofilm fast,” according to Meredith, dropping biofilm by as much as 80% in four hours. It “literally dissolves the protein bonds” holding biofilm together, causing biofilm to fall away. Like papain, bromelain is a biofilm buster, helping to break through the protective layer of parasites to cleanse them from your gut.

Wormwood: Also known as artemisia annua, wormwood was historically used to kill worms in natural remedies. Today, we know wormwood has natural antibacterial properties. Wormwood works by degrading parasitic proteins, causing them to die. Then, wormwood signals your immune system to swoop in and eliminate the weakened parasites. Wormwood also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Black Walnut: Commonly found in detox formulas and digestive aids, black walnut is a “parasite’s worst nightmare,” according to Meredith. Black walnut leads to parasite cell death, or apoptosis, while also magnifying the effects of wormwood. In one study cited by Meredith, researchers found a combination of black walnut and wormwood had a 99% success rate at killing parasites.

Senna Plant: Senna has been used for centuries as a constipation remedy. Today, we know senna works because it’s packed with natural molecules called sennosides. These sennosides can soothe irritation along your gut, helping to promote gut repair. After the first four ingredients cleanse parasites, senna starts to repair your gut.

Cascara Sagrada: Translated to “sacred bark,” cascara sagrada stimulates the release of a hormone called gastrin, signaling your body to release enzymes linked to digestion. These enzymes help to repair your gut and cleanse away the remaining parasites. Plus, like all enzymes, they help your body break down the food you’re about to eat.

How to Take ParaClear

Meredith recommends taking one capsule of ParaClear daily to promote gut health:

  • Take 1 capsule of ParaClear daily, at any time, with 8 to 10oz of water

ParaClear contains six natural ingredients and no stimulants. You can take it any time of day or night to promote gut health.

Act quickly – order now by clicking here!

What to Expect After Taking ParaClear

The official ParaClear website is filled with testimonials from women who have resolved severe digestive health issues after taking ParaClear.

Some women, in fact, even claim to have tried over-the-counter and prescription medication to fix their digestive problems, only to find it was ineffective – yet ParaClear worked.

Here are some of the results you could experience with ParaClear, according to the official website:

Better, More Regular Bowel Movements in a Week: ParaClear is designed to promote better bowel movements within just one week of using it for the first time. The makers of ParaClear are “so confident you will experience a gentle, easy, satisfying bowel movement in your first week.” They attach a generous refund policy to the supplement.

Rapid Weight Loss: Multiple reviewers featured on the official website claim to have rapidly lost weight after taking ParaClear. For example, one woman lost 15 pounds in her first month, while another lost 10 pounds in the first month, and another dropped four dress sizes. Although the makers of ParaClear are careful to claim results may vary, many people have lost significant weight in a short period of time with ParaClear.

Clear Away Tiny Gut Parasites: Doctors may blame gut health issues on lack of digestive enzymes or probiotic bacteria imbalances. The makers of ParaClear, however, blame another cause: toxic gut parasites. These gut parasites impact the nerves within your gut, making it difficult for your body to physically push waste out of your body. By clearing away these parasites, you can target the root cause of gut problems.

Smooth, Effortless Poops Every Day for the Rest of Your Life: ParaClear doesn’t just claim to resolve gut health issues today; it also claims to give you “smooth, effortless poops every day for the rest of your life,” according to Meredith Johnson and the ParaClear team. When you clear away toxic parasites, you’re preparing your gut for better digestion today, tomorrow, and far into the future.

Clear Stuck Poop: According to Meredith, many of the patients she sees have up to 20 lbs of stuck poop in their intestines. Clearing away this poop can make you feel lighter while also helping with significant physical weight loss.

Stop Planning Life Around Your Gut: Many women change their schedules to accommodate their gut. They may not eat out for dinner as frequently, for example. Or they may worry about where the nearest bathroom is located. With ParaClear, you can resolve these issues, according to the manufacturer, helping you stop planning your life around your gut.

Feel & Look Lighter With Less Bloating: ParaClear can make you feel and look lighter because you are lighter. In addition to the weight loss claims mentioned above, ParaClear claims to help you feel and look lighter overall. For example, you might feel less bloated because your digestive tract has less pent-up waste.

Works on Multiple Digestive Health Conditions: ParaClear is marketed to women who have or have not been diagnosed with digestive health conditions. According to the manufacturer, the supplement works “no matter what condition your doctor has or hasn’t diagnosed you with.” Some women featured on the official website claim they unsuccessfully took over-the-counter and prescription medication before getting results with ParaClear, for example.

Works Even if Probiotics, Cleanses, Fiber, Magnesium, & Other Methods Didn’t Work: Many ParaClear users claim to have tried other conventional digestive health solutions – from probiotic supplements to juice cleanses. However, they claim nothing worked until they tried ParaClear.

Help with Mood Swings, Joint Pain, Anxiety, Sleep, & More: Many common health problems are linked to digestive health issues. Targeting damaged nerve cells in the small intestine could resolve problems throughout the body – from mood issues to joint pain.

Works in As Little As Four Hours: According to the manufacturer, you can feel relief within just “four hours” of taking ParaClear. That means today’s digestive issues could be the last you ever experience.

Eat Whatever You Want Without Worrying: According to ParaClear’s makers, you can “eat whatever you want without worrying.” The official website is filled with videos of women eating pizza, bread, and other “problematic” foods while staying slim and confident.

Find out what makes ParaClear so great >>>

Scientific Evidence for ParaClear

ParaClear contains six science-backed ingredients linked to gut health. We’ll evaluate the research behind ParaClear below.

First, gut paralysis is a real condition: it’s medically known as gastroparesis. When you have gastroparesis, your stomach muscle contractions are too weak and slow to digest food and pass it to your intestines, causing food to sit in your stomach too long. Most gastroparesis issues are idiopathic, so doctors haven’t identified a specific root cause. Meredith, however, argues parasites cause gut paralysis.

Wormwood is one of the most unique ingredients in ParaClear. Other digestive health supplements contain enzymes like bromelain and papain, but ParaClear is one of the few with wormwood. A 2020 study in Animals found wormwood had “anthelmintic activity,” which means it’s known to kill parasitic forms – including gastrointestinal parasites. The study took place in sheep – not humans. However, it suggests wormwood could be effective against parasites.

Some take digestive enzyme supplements for gut health. Papain has been shown to help with lipid accumulation and inflammation in the gut via AMPK activation. Bromelain, meanwhile, has been shown to help with diarrhea while exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Overall, ParaClear contains natural ingredients linked to gut health, digestive regularity, and anti-parasitic effects. Taking one capsule of ParaClear daily could promote gut health from the inside out.

ParaClear Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

ParaClear has helped women across the United States resolve digestive problems using natural ingredients, according to testimonials shared on the official ParaClear online store.

Overall, according to the official website, ParaClear has an average rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 based on 55,750+ reviews, making it one of the most popular – and best-rated – digestive health supplements available online today.

Here are some of the testimonials featured on the official website:

One 46-year-old woman claims she “had a lot of trouble going to the bathroom after I ate” before she started taking ParaClear. The first day she took ParaClear, she “noticed a big change” and found she could “go regularly without any cramps.”

Some customers rapidly lost weight while taking ParaClear. One customer lost 15lbs in the first month of taking ParaClear, for example, or around 0.5lbs per day. Another customer lost 3 dress sizes within weeks of taking ParaClear for the first time.

One 74-year-old customer claims she “struggled with constipation and feeling bloated after almost every meal.” She tried changing her diet, drinking more water, and taking medication – but nothing worked. After taking ParaClear for a few weeks, the constipation and bloating were gone.

A 42-year-old woman claims she used to feel bloated and uncomfortable after eating pasta, ice cream, and other favorite foods. Sometimes, she would be constipated for 5 days. She started taking ParaClear and described it as a “game-changer.” She takes one capsule of ParaClear after every meal and no longer worries about “dealing with constipation or discomfort anymore.”

Another woman described ParaClear as a “lifesaver” for her, finding she was no longer constipated or bloated all the time. Before taking ParaClear, she had tried enemas, laxatives, and prescription medication – “but nothing seemed to help.” Today, thanks to ParaClear, she can eat anything she likes – even spicy food – without issue.

Many customers find they just feel lighter and more comfortable after taking ParaClear. They’re not longer backed up or bloated. Instead, they stay regular, avoid bloating after any foods, and enjoy better overall digestion with ParaClear.

Overall, the official ParaClear website is filled with testimonials from women of all ages who have solved serious digestive issues, rapidly lost weight, and stayed regular, among other benefits, after taking ParaClear.

ParaClear Pricing

ParaClear normally costs $129 per bottle or $129 for a one-month supply. However, through a 2024 promotion, you could pay $69 per bottle or less.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering ParaClear online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks
  • 6 bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks

Get ParaClear for the best price today!

Each bottle of ParaClear contains 30 capsules or 30 servings (a 30-day supply).

After confirming your purchase, you receive immediate access to two free bonus eBooks in PDF format.


ParaClear Refund Policy

ParaClear has a 180-day money-back guarantee. You have six full months to try It, decide if you like it, and request a refund if you are unhappy for any reason.

About PureWell Health

ParaClear is made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility by PureWell Health, an Ohio-based manufacturer.

Typically, supplement companies assemble ingredients in the United States and source ingredients from overseas. The makers of ParaClear, however, claim “all ingredients are cultivated in the United States” – something we don’t typically see.

ParaClear was developed by gastrointestinal researcher Meredith Johnson. Meredith appears to work with well-known names in the alternative medicine community: She describes bestselling author Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, as a “colleague,” for example. She also claims to have worked with a chemist to develop the original ParaClear formula.

ParaClear also claims to be “doctor-approved,” which means at least one doctor recommends using the supplement for gut health issues.

You can contact the Ohio-based manufacturer of ParaClear via the following:

  • Phone: 302 200-3480
  • Email: support@buygoods.com

Final Word

ParaClear is a digestive health supplement available through TryParaclear.com.

Taking one capsule of ParaClear daily can purportedly solve a paralyzed gut, a painful condition caused by parasitic infections in your small intestine.

Taking one capsule of ParaClear daily can clear away parasites to restore gut health and regularity while helping with bloating, constipation, chronic fatigue, cravings, brain fog, and more.

Visit the official website to learn more about ParaClear and how it works or to buy ParaClear online today.
