
Green Valley Naturals Bone & Muscle Defense Review: Everything You Need To Know

Bone & Muscle Defense is a nutritional supplement marketed to anyone concerned about bone and muscle health.

By taking six capsules of Bone & Muscle Defense daily, people of all ages can purportedly halt muscle loss and support bone and muscle integrity – even without exercise.

Is Bone & Muscle Defense legit? Can you really strengthen bones and muscles using natural ingredients? Find out how Bone & Muscle Defense works today in our review.

What is Bone & Muscle Defense?

Bone & Muscle Defense is a new bone and muscle health supplement launched by US-based Green Valley Naturals.

Led by founder Lee Euler, Green Valley Naturals is dedicated to developing natural health solutions for gut health, joint pain, weight loss, brain function, and more. The company is based in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

With Bone & Muscle Defense, Green Valley Naturals aims to promote bone and muscle health using a proven collection of natural ingredients. These ingredients promote your body’s natural ability to strengthen bones and muscles, helping you stay strong.

Bone & Muscle Defense is exclusively available through the Green Valley Naturals online store. As part of a 2024 promotion, you can pay just $9.95 for a 60-day Bone & Muscle Defense trial. Or, you can pay the ordinary retail price of $79.95 per bottle.

Bone & Muscle Defense Features & Benefits

Green Valley Naturals primarily markets Bone & Muscle Defense to adults over 50 concerned about bone and muscle integrity as they age.

Some of the features and benefits of the supplement include:

  • Halt and reverse the natural breakdown of your body
  • Preserve muscles and bones regardless of your exercise habits
  • Natural, science-backed ingredients like L-carnitine, leucine, and myHMB
  • Get two full-sized bottles for just $9.95 through a free trial
  • Manufactured in the United States
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

What Does Bone & Muscle Defense Do?

Your body starts losing bone density and muscle mass around age 30 or 40.

By taking Bone & Muscle Defense daily, you can purportedly support your existing bone and muscle tissue, helping you preserve your musculoskeletal structure for years.

Declining bone and muscle health is the leading cause of injury among older adults. The older you get, the more dangerous injuries become – even a single fall can change your life.

By taking Bone & Muscle Defense daily, you can purportedly stop the breakdown of muscles, joints, and bones regardless of whether or not you exercise. Here’s how Green Valley Naturals explains the effects of Bone & Muscle Defense:

“…now there’s a way to halt and reverse this crippling natural breakdown of your body with a new discovery that’s so amazing…it preserves your muscles and bones whether you exercise – or not!”

Just take Bone & Muscle Defense daily to preserve bone and muscle integrity, helping you stay strong at any age.

Visit official website to learn about Bone & Muscle Defense >>>

Bone & Muscle Defense vs. Other Bone & Muscle Preservation Methods

Bone & Muscle Defense specifically claims to help preserve bone and muscle tissue even if you don’t exercise.

Experts recommend strength training and an active lifestyle to preserve bone and muscle strength. However, Lee Euler and his team at Green Valley Naturals claim the natural ingredients in Bone & Muscle Defense can work without exercise.

Specifically, Bone & Muscle Defense claims to work:

  • Without jogging, lifting weights, or doing any special exercises
  • Without taking calcium tablets or worrying about calcium supplement side effects
  • Without dieting, taking meal replacement smoothies, or going hungry
  • Without taking hormones, steroids, or drugs

Instead, you only need to take six capsules of Bone & Muscle Defense daily, preserving bone and muscle strength at any age.

What to Expect After Taking Bone & Muscle Defense

Lee Euler and his team at Green Valley Naturals cite ample scientific evidence connecting the ingredients in Bone & Muscle Defense to specific benefits.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking Bone & Muscle Defense daily, according to the official website:

  • Walk up to 10 times farther, based on a study where participants took one ingredient in Bone & Muscle Defense versus a placebo
  • Have 3x fewer falls because of increased body strength, based on another study
  • Increase break resistance of bones in the spine, hips, and femur
  • Improve bone mineral density and verify improved bone density by DEXA scans
  • Reduce the incidence of bone fractures by 62% in women and 53% in men, based on tone trial
  • Lose 4lbs of fat and gain 8lbs of new muscle, on average, without exercise, based on one trial on an ingredient in Bone & Muscle Defense.

Other studies have connected the ingredients in Bone & Muscle Defense to 14% better knee strength, 25% better length strength, 20% hand grip endurance, and other concrete benefits.

Ultimately, Green Valley Naturals is confident Bone & Muscle Defense ingredients can promote significant effects on strength, muscle, and bone health without requiring a significant exercise program.

Find out what makes Bone & Muscle Defense so great >>>

Why Take Bone & Muscle Defense? Top 5 Symptoms of Frailty

As you get older, your body tends to become weaker. Frailty is an inevitable and unfortunate side effect of aging.

Fortunately, you can delay frailty and preserve bone and muscle integrity as long as possible by taking Bone & Muscle Defense.

Green Valley Naturals specifically designed Bone & Muscle Defense to combat the five most debilitating symptoms of frailty, including:

  • Muscle wasting, where your muscles turn to “mush,” reducing physical strength significantly
  • Low energy or fatigue, where you’re tired and need lots of naps
  • Increased body fat, where your body feels flabby and droopy
  • Brittle and fragile bones, where you feel like you’re one fall away from using a walker or wheelchair
  • Weakened overall life force, or what doctors call “diminished robustness.

All of these are signs you’re becoming frailer. But by taking Bone & Muscle Defense, you can fight back against frailty and preserve bone and muscle health at any age.

Green Valley Naturals claims “the combined ingredients in this new capsule…actually, prevent and reverse this age-related deterioration.”

Bones & Muscles Degrade 1% Per Year After 30

Another reason you need Bone & Muscle Defense is because bones and muscles become weaker each year after 30.

Beyond 30, your bones and muscles weaken over time, causing you to become frailer.

Green Valley Naturals specifically designed Bone & Muscle Defense to combat bone and muscle loss:

  • We lose 1% of our muscles yearly after 30 – even if we exercise. Some adults lose even more muscles per year. Your body loses around 1% of its muscle mass yearly until age 60. Then, between ages 60 and 70, you lose roughly 30% of your remaining muscles, transforming your body’s appearance overall. By reaching 75, you have roughly half the muscle mass you did in your 20s.
  • Your muscles get replaced by fat. Have you ever seen an old bodybuilder? Many of them retain their size – they replace muscle mass with fat mass. Around the same time you start losing muscle and bone, your metabolism slows down, leading to weight gain. Your body transforms the muscle you’re losing into fat. Even if you don’t change your diet, your metabolism isn’t as fast, and your body stores excess energy as fat, increasing fat mass.
  • Your bones start weakening around age 30. You may feel healthy, strong, and robust at age 30. Beyond 30, however, your bones gradually weaken, increasing the risk of falls. According to Green Valley Naturals, “your bones are actually shrinking as they lose minerals.”
  • The combination of weak muscles, increased fat, and brittle bones increases the risk of frailty. As one ages, one becomes weaker and weaker, increasing the risk of falls, accidents, and broken bones.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to get Bone & Muscle Defense!

Strong Bones & Muscles Are Crucial for Other Areas of Health

Supporting bone and muscle health is more than fighting back against frailty; it’s also about supporting overall organ health.

Strong bones and muscles are crucial for many areas of health and wellness. According to Green Valley Naturals, for example, strong bones and muscles:

  • Keep blood pressure healthy
  • Control blood sugar
  • Support healthy inflammation
  • Control cholesterol levels
  • Pump oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body to promote organ health and overall health.

If your bones and muscles aren’t strong, your body doesn’t do these tasks as effectively. Poor muscle strength makes it harder for your body to pump blood from head to toe, for example.

Bone & Muscle Defense is “Exercise in a Pill

Green Valley Naturals markets Bone & Muscle Defense as “exercise in a pill” because you can promote bone and muscle strength without exercise.

Typically, doctors recommend an active lifestyle and strength training routine to preserve bone and muscle strength. However, Green Valley Naturals claims the ingredients in Bone & Muscle Defense work without exercise.

That’s why Green Valley Naturals markets the supplement to people who:

  • Are unable to exercise right now
  • Who spend most of their day sitting and worrying about their declining muscles and bones
  • Anyone who needs a boost in energy and mobility to start an exercise routine
  • Committed exercisers who want better results from their current efforts

Some people combine Bone & Muscle Defense with exercise for superior results. Others use it without exercise. According to Green Valley Naturals, the supplement works either way.

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Exercise Alone Doesn’t Build Muscles

Exercise is a great way to preserve bone and muscle integrity with age. However, it’s not the only way to build muscle and bone tissue.

Green Valley Naturals claims exercise alone can’t build muscles. And, no matter how much you exercise, it won’t automatically reverse the effects of a sedentary lifestyle:

“Exercise is great for you – in so many ways. But a one-hour workout can’t possibly erase the harm that 8 hours of sitting does to your body.”

Green Valley Naturals markets Bone & Muscle Defense to anyone who wants to preserve bone and muscle mass regardless of exercise habits.

The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Some people take Bone & Muscle Defense to combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Studies show a sedentary lifestyle is as dangerous as smoking. If you sit for 8 hours or more per day, for example, then it could be equivalent to smoking one or two packs of cigarettes.

Some of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, according to Green Valley Naturals, include:

  • Sitting for just 30 minutes slows your metabolism by 90%
  • When you’re sedentary, your body fails to remove unhealthy fats from your arteries; when you’re active, your body pushes these fats into muscles, which are used for energy.
  • After 2 hours of being sedentary, your good cholesterol (HDL) drops 20%
  • Women who sit more than 6 hours per day have a 37% increased risk of early death versus women who sit fewer than 3 hours
  • Even if you exercise regularly, it can’t fully reverse the effects of a sedentary lifestyle

For all of these reasons, Green Valley Naturals recommends Bone & Muscle Defense to combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle:

“…if you find yourself sitting for more than 3 hours a day, you definitely should consider taking Bone & Muscle Defense to mitigate the harm all that inactivity is doing to you.”

Whether you exercise or not, you could promote powerful effects on bone and muscle health.

Don’t wait – click here to place your order!

3 Reasons to Avoid Calcium Supplements

Many doctors recommend taking calcium supplements for bone health. Calcium is a crucial building block of bones, so it makes sense to take calcium supplements.

Green Valley Naturals, however, claims calcium supplements aren’t always the answer. They claim doctors often make mistakes by recommending calcium tablets.

Some of the reasons Green Valley Naturals recommends avoiding calcium tablets include:

  • Reason #1: Calcium Supplements Don’t Prevent Fractures: Many doctors claim calcium supplements can reduce the risk of fractures. According to a study cited by Green Valley Naturals, however, “calcium supplements don’t lower the incidence of fractures for most people,” including post-menopausal women. One study found calcium supplements improved bone mineral density just 1%, for example, which isn’t enough to reduce fracture risk.
  • Reason #2: Calcium-Rich Foods & Supplements Aren’t Equal: Some take calcium supplements for bone health, while others get more calcium-rich food. Green Valley Naturals claims “calcium supplements…provide little-to-no benefit to your bones.” Calcium-rich foods, on the other hand, are linked to better bone health because your body utilizes calcium more efficiently. That’s why they recommend getting more seeds, nuts, cheeses, yogurts, fish, and other calcium-rich foods.
  • Reason #3: Calcium Supplements Are Harmful and Could Be Deadly: Your body can only process 500mg of calcium at once. If you take 1,000 to 1,500mg of calcium in supplement form, your body only uses some. Instead of simply flushing the rest of the calcium, your body deposits it along artery walls. Excess calcium consumption is linked to cardiovascular health problems. It “calcifies” your arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even kidney stones.

Don’t buy Bone & Muscle Defense without reading the reviews >>>

What’s Inside Bone & Muscle Defense?

The ingredients in Bone & Muscle Defense are designed to promote protein utilization within the body.


Instead of simply giving you protein, the formula gives you the building blocks of protein, helping to promote your body’s muscle mass. Each serving contains amino acids and muscle growth formulas like myHMB.

Here are all of the active ingredients in Bone & Muscle Defense and how they contribute to bone and muscle defense:

myHMB: Bone & Muscle Defense contains a proprietary formula called myHMB, which “turns on your body’s ‘fat-burning’ metabolism with results similar [to] those achieved by physical exertion,” according to Green Valley Naturals. If you add a little bit of exercise to your routine, you can maximize the muscle growth effects of myHMB even further – even with as little as two session per week. As proof, Reen Valley Naturals cites one study where a group received 3g of HMB daily. After 10 days, those in the HMB group experienced a significant increase in bone density on a DEXA scan. The control group, meanwhile, lost bone density. HMB can also help with fat burning, muscle growth, and overall energy, among other benefits. Some of the benefits of the myHMB in Bone & Muscle Defense, according to Green Valley Naturals, include:

  • Halt muscle wasting
  • Improve blood pressure and support overall heart health
  • Maintains muscle and strength without strength training or intense exercise
  • Improves performance and results
  • Accelerates the reduction of stored body fat
  • Support cognition, vitality, organ health, and more

L-Carnitine: Another important ingredient in Bone & Muscle Defense is L-carnitine, an amino acid linked to muscle mass. When you’re young, you don’t need to take an L-carnitine supplement because your body produces almost all of the L-carnitine you need. As you get older, however, you need more L-carnitine than your body can produce to preserve muscle mass. One 9-week study found L-carnitine significantly improved exercise performance. The L-carnitine in Bone & Muscle Defense, according to Green Valley Naturals, can lead to benefits like:

  • Increase the burning of stored body fat
  • Reverse damage done to mitochondria
  • Significantly reduce fatigue
  • Naturally restores mitochondria function
  • Promote muscle mass, strength, body fat management, weight management, and energy in older adults.
  • Support cognition, mental sharpness, heart health, independence, and more

Click here to order Bone & Muscle Defense and experience the benefits!

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is another important ingredient in Bone & Muscle Defense. It’s a crucial vitamin for all types of effects throughout the body – from bone and muscle health to immune function, organ function, skin health, and more. Your body produces vitamin D when sunlight contacts your skin. However, many of us – particularly older adults – are deficient in vitamin D, leading to health problems. The vitamin D-3 in Bone & Muscle Defense, according to Green Valley Naturals, can:

  • Promote bone and muscle health.
  • Fight inflammation and cellular aging
  • Help protect the brain
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Improve leg strength, balance, lower body integrity, and energy

Vitamin K-2: Bone & Muscle Defense contains vitamin K-2 in menaquinone-7 (MK-7), the most bioavailable form of the nutrient. Many supplements contain vitamins K-2 and D-3 in the same capsule because the two nutrients complement one another. Studies show your body struggles to absorb either nutrient on its own. According to Green Valley Naturals, the vitamin K-2 in Bone & Muscle Defense could promote bone and muscle health by:

  • Reduce the stiffness in the carotid arteries of patients
  • Promote stronger, healthier bones
  • Promote clearer arteries – even when taking calcium supplements
  • Significantly reduce the risk of hip fractures and broken bones

Magnesium: Bone & Muscle Defense also contains magnesium, another crucial mineral for nervous system function, bone health, and muscle mass. According to Green Valley Naturals, the magnesium in Bone & Muscle Defense “activates our vitamin D-3,” helping you utilize the formula’s ingredients more effectively.

Astragalus & Other Plant & Root Extracts: The final ingredient in Bone & Muscle Defense is OsteoSine, a proprietary combination of multiple plant and root extracts. The OsteoSine in Bone & Muscle Defense was specifically chosen for its ability to promote osteoblast and osteoclast activity using a blend of astragalus, Cuscuta chinensis seed extract, Eucommia ulmoides bark extract, and Rehmannia glutinosa root extract. Together, these ingredients promote your body’s natural bone cell growth cycle. According to OsteoSite’s creator, Nu Liv Science, OsteoSine has been shown to promote bone density and structural strength when combined with a balanced diet and exercise program.

Buy Bone & Muscle Defense Before it’s SOLD OUT >>>

How Does the Bone & Muscle Defense 60-Day Trial Work?

As part of a 2024 promotion, Green Valley Naturals is selling Bone & Muscle Defense online as part of a 60-day trial.


You pay just $9.95 for shipping today, then receive two full-sized bottles of Bone & Muscle Defense. You can try the supplement and then decide if you like the results.

Here’s how the trial works:

You try Bone & Muscle Defense for 30 days, taking six capsules of the supplement daily to promote bone and muscle health.

If you’re unhappy with the supplement’s results within 30 days, contact Green Valley Naturals to ship both bottles back to the manufacturer. You’ll avoid any further charges aside from the initial $9.95 shipping fee you already paid.

If you’re happy with the results of Bone & Muscle Defense after 30 days, then do nothing. After 30 days, Green Valley Naturals charges $119.90 to the credit card on file ($59.95 per bottle) for the 2 full-sized bottles you already received. Green Valley Naturals also signs you up for a Bone & Muscle Defense subscription, shipping new bottles to you every 60 days.

  • 60 days after your initial trial purchase, Green Valley Naturals will charge $119.90 ($59.95 per bottle) to the credit card on file once again and ship two new bottles of Bone & Muscle Defense to your address.
  • Green Valley Naturals continues to ship new bottles of Bone & Muscle Defense to your address every 60 days until you cancel.

Contact Green Valley Naturals within 30 days of starting your trial to avoid any future charges.

How Much Does Bone & Muscle Defense Cost?

If you want to avoid the Bone & Muscle Defense trial, you can buy full-sized bottles directly through the Green Valley Naturals online store.

You can buy one or more bottles of Bone & Muscle Defense as a one-time purchase. Or, you can sign up for a subscription:

  • 1 Bottle: $79.95
  • 1 Bottle (Autoship): $69.95 Per Month
  • 3 Bottles: $215.85 ($71.95 Per Bottle)
  • 6 Bottles: $397.85 ($66.31 Per Bottle)

Can I Get a Refund on Bone & Muscle Defense?

Green Valley Naturals offers a 90-day money-back guarantee on most purchases, including Bone & Muscle Defense purchases. You have 90 days to request a refund if you’re unhappy with your purchase or if Bone & Muscle Defense didn’t work for you.

Contact Green Valley Naturals

Founded by Lee Euler, Green Valley Naturals is a Virginia-based supplement company that manufactures products in the United States. The company specializes in gut health, weight loss, joint pain, and brain function remedies, among other areas of health and wellness.

To contact Green Valley Naturals, use the following. Customer service is available from 8 am to 9 pm EST Monday through Friday and 9 am to 8 pm EST on Saturday (closed Sunday):

  • Online Form: https://www.greenvalleynaturals.com/contact-us
  • Email: customerservice@greenvalleynaturalsolutions.com
  • Phone: 1-800-893-1694


Bone & Muscle Defense provides strong doses of multiple nutrients linked to bone health, muscle repair, and overall body strength.

Bone & Muscle Defense is sold exclusively online through a 60-day trial (for just $9.95) or for the ordinary retail price of $79.95 per bottle.

Visit the official website to learn more about Bone & Muscle Defense and how it works or to buy the supplement online today.
