Covington teen earns rank of Eagle Scout

Boy Scout Troop 517 of Covington announced William Pand has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Pand, a freshman at Kentlake High, built four picnic tables for Covington Christian Fellowship.

Boy Scout Troop 517 of Covington announced William Pand has earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

Pand, a freshman at Kentlake High, built four picnic tables for Covington Christian Fellowship.

He has provided leadership and encouragement to the Scouts of Troop 517 as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader and a Cub Scout Pack 517 Den Chief during his journey to becoming an Eagle Scout.

In addition, he was recently appointed by the Covington City Council to serve as a youth representative on the city’s Parks and Recreation Commission.

His brother Matthew and parents Steven and Dachelle are proud of his accomplishment.

Pand is the 52nd member of Troop 517, which is led by Scoutmaster Ray Ryberg, to earn the rank of Eagle.