I am writing with great concern for the citizens of the of the city of Black Diamond. It has come to my attention that Mrs. Paula Koch-Boyd is running for election to City Council Position No. 4, city of Black Diamond. Recent actions by Mrs. Koch-Boyd suggest that she is not a wise choice for our city.
Around the middle of last month, Mrs. Koch-Boyd took the liberty of initiating the replacement of the sign at the entrance to Diamond Glen (Third and Summit Avenue) without any input from neighborhood residents. She then approached all households with her concept and informed us that she solicited a local company to build a new sign made from stone at a cost of “about $3,000, to be divided equally by the households of Diamond Glen.” At that time, the verbal dollar agreement per-share was $100.
After some thought, my household decided not to participate for several personal reasons. The main reason being that in this economy, I would rather spend my money for improvements on my own property. Diamond Glen is not a homeowners’ association.
About one week after the initial visit, Mrs. Koch-Boyd came around with the attached letter and spoke with my wife. My wife stated that we were not going to participate in this endeavor. Interestingly enough, the “estimated total cost” rose to $3,187 and each household in Diamond Glen is now asked to contribute $125.
On June 10, Mrs.Koch-Boyd once again came door-to-door to collect monies for her project. Once again, my wife told her that we are not participating. Upon leaving, Mrs. Koch-Boyd became rude and snippy telling nobody in particular, “Now all the other neighbors were going to have to pay more.” My wife and I confronted her in our driveway and told her that we knew of other neighbors that were not participating as well. Mrs. Koch-Boyd stated that we were the only ones that were not. Today, I spoke with some of the other neighbors that told me they weren’t paying any money – they have stuck by their guns.
What does all this mean to the city of Black Diamond? This is proof positive that Mrs. Koch-Boyd will have no problems spending your tax dollars on frivolous projects. I also have to question her integrity. Either my household is or is not the only one that is not contributing to the new entrance sigh project.
As an aside, during Mrs. Kock Boyd’s initial visit to discuss this new entrance sign, she stated that a new sign “would inspire the residents of Diamond Glen to maintain their properties better.” My wife asked her if that meant one of the houses in the neighborhood that has unkempt landscaping. Mrs. Koch-Boyd replied in the affirmative and went on to state that she has approached the city of Black Diamond and King County to take steps to get that particular house condemned and have the property turned into a park. Above all else, that disturbs me the most. For whatever reason, the occupant of that house does not maintain his or her yard. At the end of the day, that is still his or her home. Mrs.Koch-Boyd wants to have someone removed from their home forcibly because its aesthetics do not please her. As for turning that parcel into a park, who would pay for that?
On Aug. 18, I urge the citizens of Black Diamond to support either Jim Kuzaro or William Saas for City Council No. 4.
Joseph M. Schiffel
Black Diamond