Vote yes on Proposition 1 | Letter to the Editor

On the April 24 Special Election ballot, we have the opportunity to vote on the proposal by the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority to reset the property tax rate to $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value. It currently sits at 77 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.

This property tax combined with a benefit charge is a two-part funding system for our fire department. Every six years it is necessary to reset the property tax rate of the two-part funding system. On the average home that is 2,260 square feet with an assessed value of $319,000 the property tax would go up approximately $73.37 per year. At the same time the fire department is lowering the benefit charge on this house by $73.37 per year which leaves a net increase of no cost to the taxpayer. With this issue standing alone, the additional monies collected will be redistributed to lower the fire benefit charge on all residences.

We put our trust in our fire department when we need them. The fire department is governed by elected officials who live in our area and they are asking us to approve Proposition 1. It has been endorsed by the Covington and Kent City Council’s. Please support our firefighters and vote yes on Proposition 1.

Greg Markley
