On Feb. 9 you will have the opportunity to provide support to our children and our school district. By voting YES for the educational programs and operations levy and the technology levy you will be voicing your belief that quality education and our children are valued.
As a parent of three children my hope is that our levies will pass and our children will continue to get the superior education that they are accustomed to. We have a successful school district and a nationally ranked high school. While we celebrate the accomplishments of our students from the classrooms to the athletic fields and everything else in between, we need to remember that it is the funding from the levies that continue those programs and initiatives.
I realize the tough economic times we are faced with, but I truly believe that our children are our future. These amazing individuals will need us to provide them with the best possible opportunities and we can do so by voting YES on our ballots.
The levies are a necessary funding source for our district. For example, currently under the state funding formula there is no money specifically designated for classroom technology. Also, our local levies provide about 19 percent of Tahoma’s budget. What also should be noted is that these levies are not an addition, but a replacement. Our levies provide the funding to create an environment that prepares our children to be successful in the 21st Century.
I am aware of the dedication by the teachers and staff. I am also appreciative to those who volunteer their time and to our community members that support our children. We are a community that cares about our youth. It takes all of us coming together. Please show your support by voting YES on Feb. 9th. Our children are counting on us!
Didem Pierson, chairwoman
Tahoma School District Board of Directors
Maple Valley