I first met Matt Williams when I was a Seattle University law student. He not only taught me how to be a trial attorney, but also how to be a compassionate and ethical attorney. I’m proud to join Mr. Williams’ many former students who now live and practice law throughout the United States in supporting his candidacy for district court judge here in South King County.
I support Mr. Williams not only because he was my law professor, but also because he is the most qualified candidate. He was rated “Exceptionally Well Qualified” by four judicial rating associations, including the King County Bar Association, the Joint Asian Judicial Evaluation Committee, the Latina/o Bar Association, and the Loren Miller Bar Association.
He was selected by the King County District Court Clerks, and the King County District Court Probation Officers as the candidate they would support in this race. He has also been endorsed by the assistant chief presiding judges for both the King County district courts and King County superior courts. He has earned the support of both Democrats and Republicans, community leaders, prosecutors, defense lawyers and law enforcement.
I hope you will cast your vote with me for Matt Williams, Southeast King County District Court Position 6.
Stacey Saunders