A type of dictatorship has taken over Black Diamond government. The organization “Save Black Diamond,” led by Brian Derdowski and Kristen Bryant, both from (outside Black Diamond), have been very successful in costing the city taxpayers a lot of money.
In 2012 there was a city election with “Save Black Diamond” hoping to change the type of government that had been formed when the city became incorporated in 1959. The voters, by a 60 percent margin, voted to keep the original type of government. The price of the election cost the taxpayers a great deal of money. “Save Black Diamond” worked hard to have their people elected to city government. Their man for mayor, Dave Gordon, was voted in and then resigned after 10 months, costing the city taxpayers over a quarter-million dollars.
Three “Save Black Diamond” council members, Erika Morgan, Pat Pepper and Brian Weber, have proposed and passed unlawful resolutions which have disabled the legislative decisions of their fellow council members Tamie Deady and Janie Edelman, disabled Mayor (Carol) Benson’s administrative duties, disabled city staff duties, and refused to follow the legal advice of the city attorney and the city’s insurance carrier who have warned council members that they are breaking state laws which puts the city of Black Diamond in harm’s way.
The three “Save Black Diamond” council members follow the marching orders of their dictators Derdowski and Bryant and these actions have caused the city taxpayers additional dollars in legal fees.
What are the goals of “Save Black Diamond”? Do they have a mission statement? What is their real agenda? Do they wish to stop all growth or just the master plan development? Do they wish to elevate their leaders’ importance? Are they willing to do anything to get their way? We would be surprised to hear straight, transparent answers to these questions.
The city is in chaos brought to you by dictator Derdowski, assistant dictator Bryant, and their three puppet council members Morgan, Pepper and Weber. We think that “Save Black Diamond” should be known as “HARM Black Diamond.”
We now are experiencing a form of dictatorship that is common in third world countries. Are the citizens of Black Diamond going to demand accountability for the unlawful action of dictators and their followers or are we going to be calling each other “comrades.”
Keith and Judy Watson
Black Diamond