It was with interest that I read the editorial “Reichert deserves praise for bill combating sex trafficking” in the Covington Reporter on Oct. 10. While we’re giving our congressman credit for his contributions – cutting through congressional gridlock – let’s expand on Mr. Reichert’s voting record.
Mr. Reichert stood with the GOP to shut down the federal government in Oct. 2013. And he voted 54 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Our representative, Dave Reichert, voted against raising the federal minimum wage, against equal pay for equal work, against allowing most student loans to be refinanced and against denying government contracts to companies that move headquarters overseas.
The above represents only a fraction of Dave Reichert’s votes against our interests. We have a clear choice this November. We can reelect Mr. Dave Reichert who will continue to support gridlock or we can vote for Mr. Jason Ritchie, a candidate who will work to create living wage jobs, increase the minimum wage and support equal pay for equal work.
But remember, however you feel about the candidates and issues – Vote!
Mary Cross