The Maple Valley and Kent stakes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints gave the community a wonderful gift this last weekend.
I received a plastic grocery bag at my home with an invitation to come enjoy a Nativity display. The event was free to the community with a suggested donation to the Maple Valley Food Bank. I prepared my donation of food, got a friend to join me, and Saturday night off we went to the Maple Valley LDS Church where the Nativities were displayed.
Neither of us was prepared for what awaited us. Over 600 Nativities from all over the world, some hand made, of every imaginable material from banana leaves to metal, were artfully displayed on 10 tables or more. To say the displays were breathtaking would be an understatement. Also included was a live Nativity with a one month old baby.
While we were there we also enjoyed the music of the children’s choir singing Christmas carols. I quietly sang along. If you have never seen the display I would encourage you to put a tickler on your Christmas ‘to-do’ list for next year. I’m betting the hours will be the same, 2-9 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Look for it next year and fill in the appropriate dates. Trust me, once you have seen the displays you will want to encourage others to come. See it early enough so you can round up family and friends to take. They will appreciate it and you will be able to enjoy it a second time. It truly is one of the treasures of Maple Valley and shouldn’t be missed. Thanks again to all those people who organized this wonderful Nativity display and made it available to the entire community. I can hardly wait for next Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all.
Linda Johnson
Maple Valley City Council