Kids need to play | Letter to the editor

Lately, I’ve come across an issue that has devastated our streets for a while now: the lack of play!

Lately, I’ve come across an issue that has devastated our streets for a while now: the lack of play!

Children are indoors playing video games while the dust collects on every corner of our town. Maple Valley is an amazing city, but without more encouragement to be active, the children that are our futures will never realize the importance of nature and spending time away from their bright lit screens.

It’s a bit hypocritical of me to say that, as I’m a teenager in high school addicted to her phone and laptop, but obesity and diabetes are on the rise in youths, and that can be helped through daily activity and fresh air.

Okay, exercise won’t FIX obesity and diabetes, but it would definitely aid in creating healthy children who make healthier choices. I believe that if one has a strong voice, they must use that power to create a positive influence on others.

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