I had the distinct honor of living all over this world while serving our nation for a couple decades. Living under other governments gave me a true appreciation for the privileges and freedoms we have here. Voting for me is a very serious issue entailing many hours of sober research before making a decision.
Both candidates for City Council Position No. 2 claim dedication and community involvement. Mr. Flynn’s long list of achievements often cites our city’s name. Mr. Allison often uses the words “area” and “local” instead. No one can hold a candle to Mr. Flynn’s Maple Valley community involvement.
A lot of ink has been expended about Mr. Flynn’s perceived conflict of interest. I think he addresses this nicely on his Web site. If he were motivated to profit from his council seat, he would’ve already done so. Instead, he listened to the Maple Valley citizens and made decisions that did not maximize his business opportunities and leaves many of his properties undeveloped. I appreciate someone who represents citizens’ interests above his own. I believe his citizen dedication will continue by updating the wishes of the community and moving forward to attract more business activity in Maple Valley if that is what the citizens desire while striving to preserve its charm and feel. I encourage you to be a thinking voter and check his record on this issue and read what he has to say on his Web site rather than swallowing a red herring.
A recent letter to the editor claims Mr. Flynn tried to get the city to pay the $30,000 cost of razing the old red tavern. I challenge the writer to publish the public record I couldn’t find so we may all understand why this was publicly stated. I can’t imagine watching the home I grew up in or raised my children in being turned to splinters, but in the end the Flynn family realized it was the right thing to do.
On his Web site, Mr. Allison says he is a leader and forward thinker, yet is chasing windmills by including comparisons to someone not on the current ballot. His site is full of inflammatory half truths and the admission he is a member of Covington’s rather than Maple Valley’s business community and government.
In the voter pamphlet, Mr. Allison mentions that our property taxes are being raised. The only mention I’ve seen by the Council is a possible increase of the utility tax. I can only conclude this is last minute fear mongering in a down economy. The Council, in fact, has yet to address next year’s levy and is rather limited on what it can do to independently increase funding.
I understand Mr. Allison’s newness has a certain appeal and he talks a good game with his charismatic approach. Perhaps I will endorse him in the future when he becomes the best candidate for a particular position by being seasoned through Maple Valley leadership and involvement and can stick to the specifics of an issue instead of using buzz words and innuendo.
This country has thousands of men and women living a hardship many can’t imagine. They will pause their important duty, put down their M-16’s for a few minutes and vote in faraway places such as Iraq and Afghanistan. I hope you will join me in letting them know we appreciate them by pausing with them and using the voting right and duty they are defending.
Scott M. Kelly
Maple Valley