Initiative 502 is bad for us | Letter to the editor

The more that I read concerning the marijuana issue, the more that I believe that Initiative 502 was and is bad legislation!

The more that I read concerning the marijuana issue, the more that I believe that Initiative 502 was and is bad legislation! Marijuana is an addictive drug and is also a gateway drug to more powerful drugs, such as methamphetamine or heroin.

An article in The Seattle Times last August explains it best. It was written by Dan Labriola. He pointed out three things: Marijuana is a drug; marijuana is addictive when used regularly, and marijuana does not have social value. See The Seattle Times- August 25th, 2013.

Natural marijuana has a very low concentration of the ingredient that causes the “high” . I believe that the people who sell marijuana, illegally or legally, adulterate it so it can be very potent. And since it is marketed in food such as gummy bears, cookies, and brownies, what is the possibility of children being exposed to these products thinking that they are just regular snacks?

In your article spotlighting MMJ Universe, the picture shows two T-shirts with the message that”marijuana is safer than alcohol”. That message is nothing more than a blatant lie.

The terms “medical” and “recreational” are also misleading. Are alcoholic products marketed with the same message?

This is a very complex issue. I for one, believe that Initiative 502 should be repealed. It would be interesting to find out what some of your readers have to say on this subject.

Terry Guptill
