Editors note: Stanette Marie Rose has publically declared her candidacy for City Council seat No. 6 currently held by Victoria Laise Jonas.
Did you know citizens of Maple Valley may soon be facing a tax increase due to a budget crunch in The City budget?
Now that the budget is tight our City Council is considering a change of landlords for some very pricey real estate at The Capstone building without consulting you the citizens. Seems council position No. 6 Victoria Jonas is in favor of this expensive choice of real estate in hard times.
Let me get this straight, Victoria Jonas would increase your taxes in tough times and put the city into better digs? When so many citizens are facing loss of their own housing? Looks like you will be voting for me in November as I am a proven fiscal conservative.
Citizens have rights and deserve to give the City Council input. The current landlord has rights and should be allowed time to address the concerns for safety the interim City Manager Cristy Todd keeps bringing up.
The good news? You have time to write City Council and let them know you are not going to support increased taxes or new City Hall digs. Weigh in with your voices and let yourselves be heard. Our new city manager will be here any day so please speak up during this transition time. I will do my part to stop increased taxation of citizens in our home town and increased spending by City Council member Victoria Jonas.
Eventually our economy will turn around, but in the meantime taxing citizens is just an extremely bad choice for everyone. There is no reason City Hall should get a new house for city staff when so many of our citizenry are losing theirs.
Stanette Marie Rose
Maple Valley