As someone regularly drives to Maple Valley to visit my parents, I know that buses save time and money for all of us. Whether we ride in them or drive next to them. Nobody wants more congestion on our roads.
If King County has to cut 17 percent of its bus service, the 90 percent of transit riders who have access to car will opt for driving, making our traffic look even worse.
For almost a decade, state politicians in Olympia have failed to pass new funding authority for King County that would make Metro less susceptible to economic swings.
Because of the Great Recession Metro lost $1.3 billion in expected funding which has forced it to raise fares, cut service and implement other efficiencies.
In these times of stubborn unemployment, especially at the lowest economic rungs, we cannot only raise fares and put the burden on those who have the fewest transportation options.
We all need to pay for our infrastructure.
Ensuring quality bus service is an investment in economic health.
For the sake of everyone in the county, rich and poor, drivers and riders, I’ll be voting yes to fund Metro in April.
Lucas Simons