Graffiti on your wood fence is a frustrating event for any homeowners. However, it is possible to remove the spray paint from your fence. With a little elbow grease and a few tips, your fence can be brought back to its original beauty.
The first snow of the season has fallen across the region and driving today, Nov. 21, and tomorrow during the morning commute could be dangerous.
Here are some driving tips from Jeff Harmon, Maple Valley police officer.
During this time of year, Maple Valley police would like to remind folks about the safety issues involved with driving near schools and in school zone areas. This is the time of year when most drivers have to deal with children walking to and from school, school crossing guards and the ever present (and frequently stopping) school buses.
It is estimated that $65 million is lost each year in the United States in home invasions, muggings and in other violent crimes. It is also estimated that $600 billion is lost per year due to fraud. Additionally, work place violence caused an estimated $30 billion to American businesses last year.
Tips to prevent robberies against businesses |Officer Jeff Harmon, Maple Valley Police Department
Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers. It can occur at or outside the workplace and can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide, one of the leading causes of job-related deaths. However it manifests itself, workplace violence is a growing concern for employers and employees nationwide.
Although the Internet has made life easier in many ways, it’s smart to be concerned about Internet crimes. Computer crime is becoming a growing problem for law enforcement officials around the world. Unfortunately, since Internet crimes typically involve people from many different geographic areas, catching and punishing the guilty parties is a difficult task.
A check is not cash, but an “IOU” or promise that cash will be paid upon presentation of the check at the writer’s bank. A check is bad when it cannot be redeemed for cash. Establish a firm check-cashing policy and post it where it can be easily read by customers and referred to by employees. This policy should specify your acceptance criteria concerning the following information.
In the March “On Target” newsletter, we discussed some burglary prevention ideas for homeowners. We will continue with the related topic of property crimes in this month’s newsletter. As spring approaches, the nicer weather often prompts individual residents and entire neighborhoods, to take a more relaxed attitude toward general security measures in and around their homes and businesses. For example doors (including garage doors), windows and sheds are regularly left open and/or unlocked – and unattended, for extended periods of time.
It is estimated that one in every three scams in the United States is aimed at a small business owner. Among the variety of scams they use are directory scams and vendor scams.
Small businesses are a principal target for scam artists of all types.
Every year loss from cargo theft in the United States costs billions of dollars. This includes the costs associated with investigation and insurance payments.
Hot products are typically targets for cargo theft. This includes clothing, prescription drugs, computer and jewelry.
With the holiday season in full swing, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone about the importance of keeping themselves and their families’ safe – during a time of year when many people tend to let down their guard. This month’s newsletter topic is family and personal security.
With the holiday season in full swing, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone about the importance of keeping themselves and their families’ safe – during a time of year when many people tend to let down their guard. This month’s newsletter topic is family and personal security.
With the holiday season in full swing, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone about the importance of keeping themselves and their families’ safe – during a time of year when many people tend to let down their guard. This month’s newsletter topic is family and personal security.
Maple Valley Police Department storefront officer I often talk with citizens who express concern over residences where there appears to…