As retail firework stands plan to open across the state on June 28, the State Fire Marshall’s Office has recommended the following guidelines for those who plan to purchase and light off fireworks.
- Only adults should light fireworks. Supervision is paramount in keeping children safe.
- Fireworks should not be readily available to tempt the curiosity of young children, and should be stored in a secured location to prohibit their access.
- Check with your local fire or police department for additional restrictions in your area.
- Use care in selecting the area where you will be discharging fireworks. Summer weather conditions make grass and other vegetation dry and vulnerable to fire.
Additionally, they recommend checking to see whether fireworks are legal before purchasing them. Know the dates and times fireworks are allowed in your community.
In 2010, 575 fireworks incidents were reported to the State Fire Marshal’s Office. This included 162 injuries, of which 50 were children under the age of 14.
Washington State Fire Marshal Charles M. Duffy stated, “Personal fireworks require personal responsibility. There is much that can be done to protect children and others from fireworks injuries.”
Stay away from high powered illegal explosive devices such as M80’s and M100’s. The illegal fireworks can cause devastating injuries and even result in death.
To learn about a community fireworks display in your area, visit at For more information contact your local fire department, or the Office of the State Fire Marshal at (360) 596-3913.