Less taxes with a new levy? An explanation of how it works

Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety has received several calls from residents asking the fire district to explain how it is that they will pay less in taxes if the Maintenance and Operations levy passes in April. The fire district feels it is important to explain how this can work and provide the public with more details.

Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety has received several calls from residents asking the fire district to explain how it is that they will pay less in taxes if the Maintenance and Operations levy passes in April. The fire district feels it is important to explain how this can work and provide the public with more details.

The largest source of revenue for our fire department is property taxes. The amount of tax you pay is based on the assessed value of your property. Since 2009, home values have fallen by 31 percent on average. If your home has decreased in value, then the amount of tax you pay to the fire department has decreased as well.

For example, the owner of a $300,000 home paid $408 to the fire department in 2009. In 2013, that same home is valued at $207,000, and the homeowner is paying $310.

Because of this revenue loss, Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety is struggling to maintain emergency service levels and response times are starting to increase. This loss of revenue is why the fire department is asking voters to approve the M&O levy on your April Special Election ballot.

It is important to point out that this is a temporary levy that expires after three years. It is designed to restore lost revenue until home and property values start to increase. If home and property values increase faster than expected, the Board of Fire Commissioners can reduce the amount of the regular fire levy.

The M&O levy is 38 cents per $1,000 of assessed value and is in addition to the regular fire rate you pay. If approved by voters, the same homeowner mentioned above would pay approximately $389 to the fire department in 2014, which is less than s/he paid in 2009.

This formula would not apply to new construction or for remodeled homes that might have increased in assessed value. It also is based on an average home or property so your rate could differ slightly.

If you have questions about the M&O levy, please contact Fire Chief Brad Doerflinger at 425-432-0200 or chief@maplevalleyfire.org.