Black Diamond council members explain police department issue | Letters

How could a budget meeting on Tuesday afternoon with Council members (Tamie)Deady and (Carol) Benson with Mayor (Rebecca) Olness and City Administrator (Pete) Butkus turn into an untrue malicious rumor that the City Council wants to replace the Police Deptartment?

To the Citizens of Black Diamond:

We love our Black Diamond Police Department!

How could a budget meeting on Tuesday afternoon with Council members (Tamie)Deady and (Carol) Benson with Mayor (Rebecca) Olness and City Administrator (Pete) Butkus turn into an untrue malicious rumor that the City Council wants to replace the Police Deptartment?

We received an email from an upset citizen the very next day after this meeting, stating “how dare the City Council get rid of the Police Deptartment”. This is absolutely not true and was never discussed at the meeting.

As good citizens and conscientious council members, Council members Deady and Benson asked to meet with Mayor Olness and City Administrator Butkus on Tuesday to discuss the budget in preparation for our work study on Thursday. During that discussion we discussed many ways to reduce expenses and increase income. We would have been negligent not to have discussed the police department budget as it comprises 40 percent of the general fund expenditures.

We had looked at other police deptartments and their costs per capita, such as Maple Valley and Covington, which use King County Sheriff’s deputies. We had many other questions such as to level of service, a study done by Maple Valley, partnering with Maple Valley and many other issues. We knew the police chief would be at the meeting on Thursday and requested that some of these studies be available as additional information to review, as well as reviewing the police deptartment budget. We as council members believe we should be able share ideas and suggestions with city staff without someone spreading untrue malicious rumors to upset the citizens of Black Diamond.

Unfortunately we did not have time on Thursday to review the police deptartment budget in detail, and will be doing so at our next work study. All of our council meetings and work studies are open meetings and the public is welcome to attend.

Council member Deady is a third generation resident of Black Diamond and Council member Benson has lived here for 33 years. We appreciate the safety and security that the Black Diamond police provide to our city.


Tamie Deady

Carol Benson

Council members

Black Diamond