Almost a year ago, Colton Egberg, a 16-year-old Tahoma high school student, lost his close friend Tyler Ghosn after a nearly four year battle with cancer.
Egberg’s friend, Nick Gennaralli, 18, wanted to do something to help him through the tough time.
Last summer, Gennaralli had the idea of raising money for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Foundation, in memory of Ghosn, with a goal of $10,000.
Gennaralli and Egberg went door-to-door asking for donations.
They weren’t receiving many donations, but instead of getting discouraged, they started a Go Fund Me page where they received more donations.
Gennaralli then got the idea of doing a 5K fundraiser to raise more money.
Since Egberg and Gennaralli are both runners, it made sense.
So far, they have raised a little more than $2,000 with the Go Fund Me page and they hope to reach their $10,000 goal with the 5K.
“We are striving to let everyone know about Tyler, he should deserve more than that,” Gennaralli said. “I owe it to him and Colton, I want it to be big.”
The race will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 12 at Lake Wilderness Park.
Registration for the race ends on March 10.
Register online by going to and search for the event, A Run With Tyler.