Car crashed into two power poles on Lake Sawyer Road near Black Diamond knocking out power – two sent to hospital

At about 6:30 p.m. a 1996 blue, Crown Victoria was traveling southbound on Lake Sawyer Road at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control of the vehicle and hit two power poles.

At about 6:30 p.m. a 1996 blue, Crown Victoria was traveling southbound on Lake Sawyer Road at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control of the vehicle and hit two power poles.

The first units from Mountainview Fire and Rescue found the driver, a man in his 20s, unconscious inside the car. Emergency personnel reported the driver’s consciousness returned and he was transported to an area hospital.

A male passenger was found near Mama Passarelli’s Dinner House on Roberts Drive. He was checked for injuries and transported to a nearby hospital.

The car severed two poles and knocked out power to more than 270 homes.

The car had significant damage with the trunk of the car in the back seat and there were parts of the car scattered for several yards.

Puget Sound Energy was delayed in responding due to a house fire in Maple Valley.