Adult coed kickball registration deadline March 26 | Maple Valley Parks and Reacreation

The City of Maple Valley Parks and Recreation’s spring adult kickball league is now forming. Teams play with 10 defensive fielders, half of which must be female. Teams will play eight league games on Sunday afternoons and the season runs from April 11-June 27. Teams receive one free kickball when registered.

The City of Maple Valley Parks and Recreation’s spring adult kickball league is now forming.

Teams play with 10 defensive fielders, half of which must be female. Teams will play eight league games on Sunday afternoons and the season runs from April 11-June 27. Teams receive one free kickball when registered.

Registration fee is $375 and registrations are accepted over the phone or in person at the Lake Wilderness Lodge. Registration deadline is March 26 and late registrations will be assessed an additional $35 fee.

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