King County Council approves landfill extension

The council voted 5-2 approving the Solid Waste plan, with two councilmembers absent.

King County Council has voted to expand the Cedar Hills Landfill.

In a 5-2 vote, the council voted to extend the life of the landfill, which could continue as long as 20 years.

The expansion is part of a 2019 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The landfill has been a contested issue for Renton and Maple Valley residents who believe it impacts their homes and daily life.

The County Council last week voted on six amendments, including keeping the waste at 788 feet above sea-level and managing birds who pick up trash and drop it into neighbors’ yards.

Councilmembers Rod Dembowski, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Dave Upthegrove, Claudia Balducci, and Joe McDermott voted in favor of the legislation, while Councilmembers Kathy Lambert and Reagan Dunn voted against the ordinance.

Councilmembers Larry Gossett and Pete von Reichbauer were absent and did not vote.

Read here for more information on the plan amendments, a recent special meeting where folks showed support for a waste-to-energy plant, and the King County waste study.