Rafter rescued after raft flips on Green River | Mountain View Fire and Rescue – Black Diamond Fire Report

Mountain View Fire and Rescue - Black Diamond Fire Report July 3-9

Mountain View Fire and Rescue – Black Diamond Fire Report July 3-9

Total Calls for the week:

Fire: 4

Rupture/Explosion: 0

EMS/Rescue: 26

Hazardous conditions: 0

Service Call: 1

Good Intent: 1

False Call: 2

Severe Weather: 0

Other: 1

Total Calls: 35


Incident Of The Week:

July 3

  • A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT: Flaming Geyser State Park. Ten people took three rafts onto the Green River. As they were rafting, one of the rafts flipped over. The raft quickly got caught up in a downed tree that was in the river. Everyone was able to get to shore except for a 10-year-old boy who was caught in the bushes, but was wearing a life jacket. A person called 911 and said they were afraid he might get hypothermia. The rafters were eventually found. None of them required medical attention. The rafters said they were in the water less than five minutes when they flipped the raft and fell into the water. Only two of the people had life jackets. According to MVFR Spokesperson Tim Perciful, the rafts were not designed for river rafting.

MVFR recommends that people always wear a lifejacket on a river and to let people know where they are going. Perciful also recommends people research the river condition, hazards and the route used.