Fred Meyer fueling station proposed in Covington, asked for in Maple Valley

There should be more places to fill up your gas tank in the near future. Barghausen Consulting Engineers from Kent submitted an application for seven fuel dispensers with 14 stations at the Fred Meyer shopping center in Covington, 16736 S.E. 272nd St.

There should be more places to fill up your gas tank in the near future.

Barghausen Consulting Engineers from Kent submitted an application for seven fuel dispensers with 14 stations at the Fred Meyer shopping center in Covington, 16736 S.E. 272nd St.

The gas station will be located at the southwest corner between Fred Meyer and Costco.

The application stated the gas station will cover 5,418 square feet with a cashier’s kiosk.

Covington Community Development Director David Nemens said the land use application has been received by the city and a notice of application has been issued.

Joel Howitt with Barghausen said he expects the application and permit process to take about six months and “the goal is to begin construction by the end of the year.”

Howitt said it takes about two months to build a fueling station.

Maple Valley Community Development Director Ty Peterson reported to the City Council Jan. 18 that Powell Development, the Bellevue firm planning the construction of the Fred Meyer shopping center at Four Corners, is asking the members to consider allowing a fueling and electric car docking station on the property.

Currently the city’s code does not allow a gas station at the site.

Peterson stated at the meeting Powell has proposed to build the fueling station at the back of the shopping center out of direct sight from the street.

The proposal also calls for electric charging stations for battery-electric cars hitting the market like the Chevy Volt and Nissan LEAF.

The council members decided they would consider the request from Powell. The members would likely have to approve a change to the city code for the fueling station to be built.

Safeway has a gas station at Four Corners. It was approved by King County prior to the city incorporating in 1997.