Rainer Christian Middle School raises $300 for Haiti through coin drive

Rainier Christian Middle School students wanted to do something in response to the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti. Students quickly grabbed onto the idea of raising money through a coin drive, according to RCMS Principal Glenn Olson.

Rainier Christian Middle School students wanted to do something in response to the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti.

Students quickly grabbed onto the idea of raising money through a coin drive, according to RCMS Principal Glenn Olson.

In two short weeks, the results quickly added up to more than $300. Through school family connections, the money was delivered to World Vision at the end of February.

The students efforts reflected a desire to reach out beyond the walls of their school and community to help those with much greater needs than the students would most likely ever face.

Olson explained the effort was as big as his student’s hearts.

“While the amount raised may be a ‘widow’s mite’ compared to the gift of a large corporation or wealthy philanthropist, it definitely represented the heartfelt desire of countless students to help others in great need,” Olson said in a release.

Rainier Christian Middle School, with 105 seventh and eighth grade students, is part of the much larger Rainier Christian Schools, with three preschool/childcare centers, three elementary schools, a middle school, and high school serving 935 students throughout South King County.

For information on Rainier Christian Schools, call 425-255-7273 or visit the Web site.