Residents evacuate home after smelling natural gas | Mountain View Fire and Rescue – Black Diamond Fire Report

Mountain View Fire and Rescue - Black Diamond Fire Report Nov. 20-26

Mountain View Fire and Rescue – Black Diamond Fire Report Nov. 20-26

Total Calls for the week

Fire: 1

Rupture/Explosion: 0

EMS/Rescue: 13

Hazardous conditions: 1

Service Call: 1

Good Intent: 0

False Call: 3

Severe Weather: 0

Other: 0

Total Calls: 19


Incident Of The Week:

Nov. 20

GAS LEAK: 219 Southeast. Firefighters were called to a home that had a strong natural gas odor outside. The people evacuated the house and called 9-1-1 and waited outside when firefighters arrived on scene. The firefighters found the leak near the meter but was unable to turn off the gas. They notified Puget Sound Energy to have them help with the gas leak. Firefighters left once PSE arrived on scene. The fire department recommends that people should evacuate a building if they smell natural gas first and call 9-1-1 from outside the building. They can try and turn the gas off if they can do so without creating a spark or putting themselves in danger. Once they turn the gas off, they need to have a profession turn the gas back on.