National Night Out at Highland Greens

The Highland Greens Homeowners Association celebrated its second National Night Out Tuesday, Aug. 3 with the focus on this year’s theme of “Stand against Crime.”

The Highland Greens Homeowners Association celebrated its second National Night Out Tuesday, Aug. 3 with the focus on this year’s theme of “Stand against Crime.”

The focus of National Night Out is to raise awareness about safety and security in neighborhoods. Neighbors took their stand with their favorite desserts in hand on a perfect Tuesday evening to build neighborly relations and generate awareness around crime and safety issues in Maple Valley and their Highland Greens neighborhood. The Highland Greens neighborhood was just one of several in Maple Valley and thousands throughout the country who joined together with local law enforcement and first responders with front porch lights on to build awareness concerning safety and security in their cities, streets, and homes.

Members of the association were joined in the neighborhood by some special guests. Maple Valley police officers and Mayor Noel Gerken talked with members about a strong stand against crime in Maple Valley. The added treat was Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety firefighters playing four square with the neighborhood kids and showing the fire truck. Others enjoyed the games and the delicious desserts as well as the goody bags handed out by the police officers with coupons from local merchants, glow rings, stickers, and safety pamphlets.

Sierra Marstall stated, “It is important to know that all these police and firemen are our friends and they want and need us to be safe plus they are pretty good at four square.”

“It is about keeping our local neighborhoods and cities safe and free of crime,” said association public safety co-chair Linda Hren. “We are grateful to have such a strong police and community partnership with elected leaders and public servants who really care about Maple Valley and the safety and security of its residents.”