City of Covington wants to fill open position on Youth and Family Services Commission

The city of Covington is currently accepting applications to serve on the Youth and Family Services Commission. The Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Currently there is one adult replacement position to serve the remaining portion of a three-year term with an expiration date of March 31, 2010.

The purpose of the Youth and Family Services Commission is to assess the needs of youth and families within the community and to develop policies and programs to assist with that purpose. The Youth and Family Services Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council.

Members of the Youth and Family Services Commission should have an interest in youth and family affairs, as evidenced by training, experience, interest or actions. Membership on the Youth and Family Services Commission is limited to residents who live or work within the City limits or live within a three-mile radius of the city limits. No more than two members may reside outside the city limits regardless of property ownership. Commissioners are selected without respect to political affiliations and serve without compensation.

Interested persons are invited to contact Victoria Throm for an application at (253) 638-1110, ext. 2237 or send e-mail to Victoria Throm at Applications will be accepted until Friday, April 24.