Artist Michael Diegel’s photographic images are on display this month at Covington City Hall.
During Diegel’s youth he had a strong interest in freehand drawing, drafting, and architectural representation. His interests in photography started with a 35 mm Pentax film camera following a 4-year enlistment in the Navy. After some experience with black and white film, darkroom work and two additional Pentax film cameras, Diegel converted to using a digital Nikon camera in 2004.
While pursuing photography, Diegel received bachelor of science degrees in microbiology and in medical technology, and a masters of science degree in immunology. This education allowed him to pursue careers in medical technology and the biotechnology field where, as part of a team, autoimmune and prostate cancer therapies were developed. During his science career, photography skills were used in microscopic work and Photoshop labeling/sizing for presentations.
Recently, Diegel returned to full time efforts and development in his photographic artistic side with formal training at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography in Missoula, Mont. He uses photography interests as a vehicle for documenting travels to foreign and domestic locations. Having completed a two month driving tour of the United States, images from the experience as well as others are on display at Covington City Hall.
Diegel’s recent photographic awards include “Best Landscape” at the Puyallup Spring Fair, first place in Northwest Council of Camera Clubs, and the Open Salon Competition, and Image of the Month for the Rainier Hills Camera Club.